The 6 C’s of Collaboration
In order to accomplish anything with others, we need to understand the components of collaboration. The following steps provide a framework for ‘co-labor-ing’ for solutions with students and others.
Calmness: Ensure all parties are in a state of regulation (close any ‘flipped lids’)
Connection: Share an appreciation or acknowledge a strength/quality. “I notice…(your leadership skills).”
Curiosity: “I noticed that…(you were talking during quiet work time). Can you help me understand what was going on for you?” Give the student an opportunity to explain their motivation. They may not know, and that’s ok. Summarize and validate their goals, point of view and feelings. “It sounds like you __ because __. Is that accurate?” Ok, thanks for sharing that” – or – “Thanks for helping me understand.”
Choices: “Can we work together to find solutions so that I’m able to teach, and you and the other students are able to learn and complete your work? Could we brainstorm some possibilities?”
Consensus: Related (to the problem), Reasonable (we can do this), Respectful (to everyone) and Helpful. Be specific re: time, logistics, etc.
Commitment: Student chooses solution(s); follow-up scheduled. “Thanks for talking this over with me. I look forward to checking in with you…”
Challenge: Choose a challenging situation with a student and follow the steps to see what happens. This may need to take place over time, especially if trust needs to be built.
Lois Ingber, LCSW, CPDLT
Behavioral Counselor