We provide resources which support TK standards which are a subset of Kinder standards. As with all grade levels, the learning plan is designed around the student developmental level, interests, talents, dispositions, preferred modalities, and environment. We consider play to be an important part of the TK curriculum.
Returning students have a preliminary meeting with their EF in June so resources can be ordered over the summer and schedules can be laid out. All students meet with their Educational Facilitator (EF) in August to complete paperwork and receive curriculum. For those enrolling during the school year, an EF will reach out to you upon full completion of your enrollment packet.
Minimum once per learning period (20 calendar days) and as needed
Mission Valley has a full resource center. In addition, we have our Dragon Wagon, a mobile book, and a technology lab. Small libraries are set up at each Collaboration Center as well.
We are working on redeveloping an intramural sports program throughout the county-basketball, volleyball, soccer depending on student interest. We expect to have the program in place by spring semester.
Student Funding
Each student has a personalized learning plan designed by the Educational Facilitator (EF), Parent, and Student which takes into consideration current skills, Power Traits, state standards, personal goals, and circumstances. The EF, rather than the student, is given a budget to provide resources (i.e. curriculum, materials and DCS approved vendors) to meet the needs of the student and ensure equitable educational opportunities. For example, an EF with ten students on a roster receives a budget of $1,000. That is not to say each student on the roster gets $100, as they will each have different needs, circumstances, and goals. Because DCS offers so much with its own staff, Dragon Wagon, and collaboration centers, the need to spend thousands of dollars outside the organization is not as high as some schools. The learning plan is laid out during the initial meeting so parents are clear on what the school will be providing during the semester/year. Plans may be adjusted during the semester/year as needed to meet the student’s current needs.
In instances when a student requires support beyond what we can offer, we turn to the expertise of independent contractors to meet the objectives of the student’s learning plan. Our Vendor Directory can be found on our website. All our vendors are licensed and insured businesses.
Learning Centers
No, our Collaboration Centers are optional and open to students who learn best in a social learning environment.
No, our Collaboration Centers are optional and open to students who learn best in a social learning environment.
Depending on the classroom size, no more than 24 for academic courses, and electives depend on available space and the number of adults in the room.
A place for students to receive academic support, collaborate with others, be exposed to new ideas, skills, and opportunities, as well as build community. Specialized services are provided as needed.
DCS follows the principles of Positive Discipline, i.e., clear expectations, focusing on solutions through ‘discipline that teaches’ (vs. punishes), teaching the skills of mutual respect through class meetings, and encouragement. We provide freedom within boundaries, multiple seating options, and movement breaks.
Students in which English is not the language spoken at home are tested to determine the level of support needed through English learner classes, bilingual staff, and bilingual curriculum, We have a multi-lingual advisory council (MLAC) for parents and provide parent communication in native language via ParentSquare.
Personalized learning plans are created by the teacher of record with input by parent and student, and supported by staff at the Collaboration Center. Parents are provided with home curriculum which student may also work on at the Center. Work at the Center is designed to support and enrich the learning plan, not be “extra work.”.
Our schedule changes with the needs of our students. You can find the most up-to-date on our website.
Student Services
Yes, every public school (even homeschool and independent study charters) must provide services to student with an IEP.
General Education plan to provide specialized accommodations
The lottery allows us to put new enrollees in an order from which we can select for admission as space comes available. At this time, we believe we will be able to acquire and train enough staff to accommodate all new enrollees. After June 30, that may change. While siblings are not automatically accepted, they are moved to the top of the priority list.
Student must turn 5 by September 1, 2026
Yes, please complete an application. We are required to hold a spot.
The Dimensions calendar can be found on the website.
EFs are determined by student need, parent preference, and availability. Some families prefer having the same EF for all children, so do not. While it is beneficial for students who use the Collaboration Center to have an EF that teaches there, it is not required.
Yes, the dental form is required for TK, K, and 1st grade students if first time enrolling in a CA school.
The health form is optional, but recommended.
Immunization records are required as part of the enrollment process. To attend classes at our learning centers, students need to submit proof they are up to date on all required immunizations. All student may attend required offerings such as high school labs.
The most up-to-date information regarding immunization requirements can be found at Shots for School.
Once our Registrar's office has received and processed your student's application, they will send you an email letting you know if any documents are missing or if the application is complete. Once you are officially enrolled, an Educational Facilitator (EF) will contact you via the email or phone number you provided during the registration process. The EF will set a meeting time to get started with your student’s Personalized Learning Plan!
Transitional Kindergarten is the first year of a two-year Kindergarten program.
Beginning in the 2025-2026 school year, students who turn 5 years old between September 2, 2025, and September 1, 2026 are eligible to be enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten.
Students entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1st.
All required documents can be found on the Enrollment Checklist.
Once your student is enrolled, DCS will request your student's cumulative file from the previous school. We recommend you DO NOT disenroll your student from their current school until you are contacted by the Registrar's office confirming that their application is complete.
If you already have an account and need to retrieve your username or reset your password please visit the Online Registration site where you will be able to select “Forgot my Password” or “Forgot my Username” under the log-in dialog box. The link is on the Admission page above.
We support most devices. Windows and Mac computers using Safari, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox. We also support mobile devices, iPads, Android, etc.
High School
Because our program is so highly personalized, there is no such thing as typical. Each student must meet the same graduation requirements, but there is a lot of flexibility in how they meet them.
Minimum of 4 per semester, 8 per year (20 credits minimum per semester)
While the program is not geared towards early graduation, it is an option for students who can complete the work.
Students can create their own pathways. Currently, we have an approved CTE pathway for business. We are also creating pathways for Child Development, K-12 Education, and Sustainability.
It is the responsibility of the EF to determine whether the student is making adequate academic progress. This will look different for different students depending on age, ability, and level of support at home. The minimum requirement is two samples per subject per learning period.
Standardized Testing
As with all public schools, standardized testing is required and necessary for us to remain authorized to operate.
Social Opportunities
Field trips, Collaboration Center, park days, co-ops, workshops, dances, after school events, Dragon Wagon events, sports, expos.
Yes, we have a policy which sets boundaries for use of the cellphone.
Volunteer Opportunities
Yes, we love having the support of our parents to create a safe and innovative community of learning.
Registrars’ Office:
If you have any questions regarding the enrollment process or requirements, please contact the Registrar, Emily Snow, at esnow@myelement.org
If you'd like more information about our programs and curriculum options, please contact one of our program managers.
What are charter schools?
Charter schools are schools of choice: parents select the school their child attends. Families and community members are welcomed in charter schools and are treated as partners in their child's education.